Dialing into Success:
Conquer Your Dealership's Phone Ups in 20 Minutes by Leveraging AI

The future is here. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the automotive industry and is an essential tool for top dealers to leverage. As dealerships embrace digitalization, integrating AI technologies is a crucial step towards staying competitive in the evolving market.

Not only does AI enhance the performance of vehicles and the production process, but it also assists dealers' processes by saving time, ensuring they are prioritizing their best leads, improving phone handling, and giving a better customer experience.

Is your team confident and ready to utilize AI?

Conquer your phone ups, watch now and uncover:

The power of motivation and how to turn AI into an asset at your dealership instead of a technology to be feared
5 AI-fueled tactics to overcome poor phone performance at your dealership
How to turn the phone into your dealership's strongest asset by utilizing AI

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Tommy started at Car Wars in May of 2023. Tommy's customer-centric mindset has guided his career and different roles including 2 years at an automotive call center, and his 8 years as a consultant for a large automotive CRM. Tommy enjoys ensuring clients are gaining insight into their phone processes and maximizing phone-ups.

Clint joined Car Wars in June 2015. Clint spent the first six years of his time at Car Wars working with top dealer groups around the country to help them own the phone. Now, he heads up Consulting and Sales Enablement for Car Wars.